Theory Crafting - Lessons from the Field

Laying the groundwork
Brainstorm, illustrated by Justin Hernandez & Alexis Hernandez

Beginning Phase
Welcome back.  I wanted to take a sidestep from brewing to focus more on the lessons and observations taken from my games in the recent two-odd months of games.  So, let's get into the games.
Main Phase

 Game 1: Zedruu (me) v Muldrotha v The Ur-Dragon v Ezuri, Renegade Leader

I played an Island Sanctuary on Turn 2, just to play something on curve. Ur-Dragon, with the help of Asuza had vomited out six lands on his Turn 3, with Steely Resolve, Rhythm of the Wild and Mirari's Wake all active.

Ezuri then decides to crack Field of Ruin and destroy Ur-Dragon's Stomping Grounds, while using Wilt on my Island Sanctuary, bamboozling the table.

Lesson: threat assessment, threat assessment, threat assessment

A shock land isn't worth destroying, let alone ramping the other players on the table. Speaking of the Wilt play, a mana doubler always spells trouble, among the other permanents with stronger effects, arguably with a more immediate impact versus a conditional pillow fort.

Stay patient and wait for better targets. Instead, Ezuri just earned the ire of two players, and met early demise.

Game 2: Zedruu (me) v Tergrid v The First Sliver

Tergrid hits the battlefield on Turn 3, threatening the board on the next turn rotation.

Thankfully, my opening hand had Oblivion Ring, which I promptly used on her. Tergrid, having exhausted many cards for that explosive opener, was left on topdeck mode once she got removed.

Lesson: Mulligans are important

A keepable hand should not only be evaluated as "lands and spells I can reliably cast", but also be done with context of the other players, and their strategies.

I kept an opener with three lands, no mana rocks and an O Ring as I knew I had to remove Tergrid early.

Game 3: Zedruu (me) v Ramos v Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait v The First Sliver

Ramos (Superfriends) manages to cast a Harmonic Sliver through Nicol Bolas, God-Pharoah. First Sliver, after seeing Ramos's large board, vomits out slivers, consequently blowing up all of Aesi and my artifacts/enchantments.

Lesson: the enemy of my enemy... is kinda my friend

When dealing with a threat, don't step on your potential allies' toes, even if it's a temporary truce. Through unintentional bravado, these actions had isolated First Sliver to fight the bigger opponent, while earning no favours by setting the other two players back.

Game 4: Vial Smasher/Silas Renn (me) v Sisay, Weatherlight Captain v Omnath, Locus of Mana v Tergrid

I kept a bad hand, with no meaningful interaction nor removal for Tergrid. So unfortunately, Tergrid resolved Dark Deal and we were in a pickle from that point on.

The table had to rally together, and I casted a Phyrexian Scriptures, to try and clear some portion of Tergrid's board.

Unfortunately even after making my intentions known, Omnath kept playing more creatures to build his board while animating more lands through Nissa, Who Shakes the World, knowing that the impending board wipe from said Phyrexian Scriptures.

That was the last game action he took before the game ended some six turns later.

Lesson: Don't overextend into the board

Sometimes, doing nothing is an acceptable play.  Keeping cards in hand means getting to redeploy once parity is (somewhat) reached.

Bonus Lesson: Strongly consider your utility land options

Recently my Sidisi, Brood Tyrant deck had experienced a handful of mana-screw in more games than I'm comfortable with.

Once I started looking at my decks through a data-centric lens (shoutout Moxfield), I realized that I've been running too many utility lands, which cannot generate coloured mana.

Long story short, save money and run more basics, really.
End Step

I hope these observations were of some help to you, fellow readers.  I've personally find it insightful to reflect on my play experiences, to better myself at the craft.  Most importantly, don't forget to have fun while you're at it.  

Happy early holidays wishes and to those who do celebrate it, Merry Christmas. 


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